God’s Favourite
Does God have favorites? Nephi believes he was “highly favored of the Lord.” The Angel Gabriel says a similar phrase to Mary when announcing the birth of her child. In other instances Jesus declares some will be on his right and some on his left and He calls His disciple John, “my beloved.” And then there is the truth that God is no respecter of persons. There is a paradox here, then, to work out it seems. Can we all be God’s Favorite? I love how Elder Karl D. Hirst talks about God’s love in the context of “divine economy.” He explains that “Our Saviour’s love is the ‘highest, noblest, strongest kind of love,’ and He provides unit low e are ‘filled.’” There is no scarcity of love from God which means we can all claim to be His favorite! Oftentimes (and even in this particular talk) we compare God’s love to our own parental love. Maybe I’m the only one, but that’s a hard one for me to relate with because yes, I do love all of ...