a happy day...
"A happy day is when my only engagement is my family."
- - Abigail Adams - -
I love this quote and it totally sums up our week of Thanksgiving. Granted, yesterday erupted in overtired complaints and contentions...but overall we all just enjoyed a break from anything other than FAMILY. There is so much to be grateful for. I hope I can keep that grateful spirit with me as we head into the hustle and bustle of December.
To add to the craziness, for our countdown/advent we decided to make it "25 Days of Service." Most days this month the kids will "open" a service activity for the day. This holiday season we will decorate Grandpa's apartment, visit a newly made widow, clean another family's bathrooms, have the missionaries over for dinner, and do a secret act of kindness for one another. Hopefully this will add to the holiday cheer rather than adding more of the unnecessary to our already filled days.
Happy December!
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