Mormon Women and the Priesthood
I usually stay away from the political or controversial subjects that grace other blogs and online arenas. However, I recently had a very interesting conversation with my sister and thought it was worthy of sharing.
My sister is a musician in Boston and an inactive member of the Church (only noted because of the following conversation). We were talking about women inequality, particularly in the music world. She said she gets phone calls from the group of women on campus who are constantly fighting this battle saying, "Hey, did you see that poster? Did you notice how many more men than women were on that poster? We want to protest. Will you join us?"
My sister emphatically responds, "No! I am a successful musician. You can be successful no matter your gender and I'm not going to join your group."
Well, our conversation turned to women in the Church. I said, "You know, the women rights topic in the Church has never been an issue with me."
She retorted, "That's because you've grown up in a man-oppressive environment all your life."
"No," I responded. "Actually, it's for the same reason you don't get all in a huff about more men than women being featured on a music poster."
"Oh." She was a bit taken and didn't really know how to respond. :-)
I know there are many who struggle with women rights in the Church. I know there are many who struggle with the gay rights within the Church. I know there are many, many other issues and struggles members have just as there would be in any organization of the world. I do not disregard or feel these issues need to be "shoved under the rug," so to speak. I simply believe there are ways to handle these issues rather than public demonstrations and protesting (both in cyber world and real world). I believe these are very personal and individual questions to be asked through proper channels. I believe that every member is required to question their own standing on these subjects, whether they personally struggle with them or not. With that said, I believe these questions must be asked in faith rather than with doubt or fear or anger as the motivation.
Ultimately, the deeper question must always be, "Where does my testimony stand on the Atonement of Jesus Christ?" Our own personal exploration of this foundational doctrine of the Church is necessary for answers to come regarding any other question we may have. The effort we put into answering this question will determine our understanding of any other doctrine or principle taught in the Church.
Tad R. Callister has written, "Satan has been successful in diverting much of the Christian world's attention from the one doctrine that can save us, the Atonement of Jesus Christ, to the ancillary doctrines that have meaning only because they draw their sustenance from this redeeming event. Like a skilled magician, Satan's every move is to divert our attention and dilute our focus from the primary object at hand, namely Christ's atoning sacrifice, in hopes we will turn exclusively to doctrines of secondary and far lesser import, (The Infinite Atonement, p. 15, italics added)."
Are we allowing ourselves to become distracted? Are we losing focus of the true reason Christ came to the earth and the real motivation for why we are members of His church? Let us ask the questions, let us do the research, let us pray with real intent. And then let us move forward with an eye single to His glory and draw all men unto Christ as He would have us do. That is my wish, hope and prayer today.
P.S. Don't miss the historic first annual General Women's Meeting ages 8 & up this Saturday at 6pm MST
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