God's Harvest

"The field is white all ready to harvest." 

Today I was looking at our heavy-laden peach tree and reflecting on how we neglected our plums this year.  I was not ready when the plums were ready.  We lost a lot of fruit because of my lack of readiness.  I'm determined to have a different plan or experience with the peaches!

With this reflection on our backyard fruit trees, my mind went to the law of the harvest.  Interestingly enough, President Uchtdorf had this on his mind as well because the first presidency message in this month's Ensign is just on that:  God's Harvest.  He beautifully brings out the principles of that particular law.

But what I was thinking as well was, "When the Lord's harvest is ready it will be time to pick the fruit.  If we are not ready, a lot will be wasted."  When this thought came I wasn't really sure what that meant.  Sure, there's missionary work and finding those souls who are ready to be harvested, but I sensed there was something more to that message.  It took a couple of days before it hit me (and when it did I was feeling a bit silly that it hadn't occurred to me sooner):  Family History!!

There has been a great amount of emphasis put on this principle of the gospel.  I've heard the messages and dabbled here and there with searching and indexing.  It wasn't until reflecting on the fruit I see falling to the ground did I catch the real meaning of the impression I had received.  The fruit is ripening, the ending is nigh, and if we are not prepared there will be many lost.

Though I still don't fully understand the significance of "why now?" when family history work will continue after the millennium, this small experience and that quiet whispering voice has instilled in me a greater desire to be more diligent in my family's work.


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